Important Information: Delayed Opening 2/6/25
All Branches Closed 1/20/2025
Online Banking

Data Privacy Day & It's Origin

5 tips to help keep your data safe

By Kyle Mumper
Published January 28th, 2019

Data Privacy Day & It's Origin

Data Privacy Day was started in 2008 as a way to celebrate the 1981 international data privacy treaty. Convention 108, passed on January 28th, 1981 was the first international treaty passed that dealt with data privacy. Even in the 1980s, before the internet was available to the public, the world knew the importance of data privacy. From the treaty: “…every individual, whatever their nationality or residence, respect for his/her rights and fundamental freedoms, and in particular his right to privacy, with regard to automatic processing of personal data relating to him/her.”

We at Woodlands Bank take data privacy very seriously. Our customers are our number one priority. We take pride in the customer service we provide and part of that customer service is making sure your personal information is protected. Our privacy policy is posted on our website but we believe data protection goes beyond policies. We have created a culture of privacy and data security within our company. All of our employees know the importance of keeping our customers’ information safe and secure. Data security is a top priority at Woodlands Bank and we think Data Privacy Day is a great time to share with you a few things you can do to stay safe.

So we know data privacy is important, but what can we do to protect ourselves? There is no way to be 100% safe online, but there are a number of things you can do to make sure you’re as protected as possible. While this is by no means an exhaustive list or a guarantee, it will give you a starting point and hopefully make you think about risks involved when sharing your data.

#1 Use Strong Passwords & Don’t Reuse Them Across Multiple Accounts

Your first line of defense against any sort of data breach is your password. It’s important that you have a strong password and never share your passwords with anyone. Don’t reuse passwords where possible. No companies I’m aware of will ever ask you for your password (other than using it to log in of course). If a company employee wants to know your password, I’d view this as a very large red flag. Our mobile devices contain more personal data about ourselves than just about any other possession we have.

#2 Enable A Passcode on All Mobile Devices

It’s certainly cause for concern if you lose your wallet or purse, but if someone has unauthorized access to your cell phone, they could potentially do a lot of damage. For this reason, it’s crucial that you passcode protect your phone. Choose something non-obvious, using things like birthdays, anniversaries, and common patterns are easy to remember, but that also means easy to guess. I won’t get into details, but two-factor authentication is a great extra layer of protection. There are many resources that can explain how to set this up if your account offers it.

#3 Know What Permissions You Give to Your Apps

Since I mentioned cell phones, now is a good time to also mention apps. All sorts of apps want access to different services on your phone. It’s a good idea to think critically about what permissions you’re giving. Does your flashlight app really need to know your location? Some apps have legitimate reason to need to access your phones features. If you video chat with an app, it will need access to your microphone and camera, your GPS app will need to know your location. Most of the time, choosing the “while using this app” option is a good way to keep your data safe. Also, it helps to do some research into the privacy policy of applications that store data. Fitness and diet apps are a great way to track your progress, social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but what are the companies who make the apps doing with the data you give them? Of course not all apps are out to sell your information, but it’s always a good idea to check what their policy is.

#4 Check Privacy Settings on Social Media Accounts

Social media itself is another big consumer of data. We love to share our experiences with others. Staying in touch with loved ones or getting reconnected with old friends is one of the great benefits of the internet. Part of sharing with friends means you may be sharing with people you don’t know. Always check the privacy setting of your social media accounts. Make sure your information is only being shared with who you want it to be shared with.

#5 Only Share on Social Media Things You’d be Comfortable Sharing With a Stranger

It’s a good idea not to accept requests from people you don’t know. Many people suggest users adopt a “Stranger on the Street” policy to using social media. Only share online what you would share with a stranger you see on the street. I hope some of these tips will make you think about how you protect your data. From everyone here at Woodlands Bank, happy Data Privacy Day!

Delayed Opening- All Offices 

Published 2/5/2025

Due to the impending inclement weather, all offices of Woodlands Bank will open at 10:00 AM on Thursday, February 6, 2025. This decision was made with the safety of our employees and customers in mind.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.

Important Notice

Published 01/19/2025

All offices of Woodlands Bank will be closed January 20th, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will be back to normal hours on January 21st, 2025.

Important E-Statement Information

We would like to inform you that our e-statement customers will not receive a special paper statement on October 4, 2024. This statement will continue as an e-statement. With access to e-statements being unavailable during our upgrade weekend along with the delay of this e-statement being made available to you through Online Banking, we wanted to provide you with options available to you to receive your statement.
If you would like to receive a copy of your paper statement recapping your account activity from your last normal statement issued through Friday, October 4, 2024, please do one of the following:
On or after October 7, 2024:
  • Call us at 570.327.5263 to request a paper statement be mailed to your address.

  • Visit your local branch to request a paper statement.

System Upgrade Important Information

Published 10/4/2024

Our System Upgrade will begin today, Friday, October 4, 2024 and continue throughout the weekend. Please see below for important times.
Online and Mobile Banking will be unavailable starting at 6:00 PM today, and will be unavailable until the afternoon on Monday, October 7, 2024. Please make note of your balances and plan for your cash needs during the System Upgrade. Your debit card will continue to work normally throughout the upgrade weekend.
Mobile Check Deposit will be unavailable starting at 3:00 PM today. Checks can still be deposited by visiting your local branch until 5:00 PM today.
Bill Pay will be unavailable starting at 4:00 PM today. All bills schedule for payment prior to this will process according to when they are set to be paid.
All offices will be closing at 5:00 PM today and will be closed on Saturday, October 5, 2024.
Please visit for all updates.
We look forward to growing your experience with us!

Important Notice

Change in Branch Hours

We want to inform you that we are making some changes to our branch office hours. These changes will go into effect on January 1, 2024. Our primary reason for changing our hours is to allow our employees to have a better work-life balance. In-turn, this allows us to better retain our excellent employees which results in even higher standards of customer service that our customers know and love.

View New Hours

We understand that our new hours may affect some of our customers’ normal routines and for that we truly apologize. We recognize change like this can be hard.

  • $1000.00 daily minimum balance to earn interest & avoid a $5.00 monthly service charge.

Qualifying Requirements include:

  • At least 1 bill pay or ACH payment transaction
  • At least 12 debit card purchases

Note: Enrollment in e-Statements is required in order to open a High Interest or Cash Rewards checking account.

IRA Management

Changing jobs or retiring can be an exciting step in your life, but figuring out what to do with your retirement plan and other retirement assets can be confusing. Woodlands Bank Trust & Asset Management Services is here to assist you in making the right choice and will help you to achieve your long-term retirement goals.

Institutional Investment Management

Companies or organizations that hold funds or other assets can rely on Woodlands Bank Trust & Asset Management Services to assist them in managing their resources for long-term benefits. We will provide investment management during a period of time or into perpetuity.

Charitable Investment Management

Non-profit organizations that hold funds or other assets from charitable donations can utilize Woodlands Bank Trust & Asset Management Services to invest those funds for long-term benefits. We will provide investment management during a period of time or into perpetuity.

Executor & Estate Settlement Services

Choosing a qualified executor is essential to the timely and efficient administration of an estate. Our estate settlement services include acting as:

  • Executor
  • Agent for Executor

Estate & Financial Planning Services

The most common mistake in financial planning is not having a plan—having a strong financial and estate plan is vital to your financial health. We will work with you and your estate attorney to craft a plan for your unique needs.

Asset Management & Custodial Services

We will work with an individual to design a portfolio to fit their specific needs and objectives. Our duties will be determined by the type of account chosen.

  • Investment Management Accounts
  • Institutional Investment Accounts
  • Custody Account

Personal Trust Services

A trust permits an individual to carry out personal and financial objectives while providing protection for themselves and their family. The trust agreement sets forth the wishes of the individual, and it is the trustee’s responsibility to carry out those wishes. As a trustee, we will provide impartial advice and counseling for beneficiaries, investment management of the trust assets, continuity of management and a full accounting of all transactions. We offer:

  • Living Trusts
  • Testamentary Trusts (Trusts Under Will)
  • Life Insurance Trusts
  • Special Needs/Situations (Guardianships, Charitable)
  • Agent for Trustee