Business Resources
Entrepreneurs Welcome
We believe at the heart of every prospering community are small businesses that drive the economic ecosystem of the community. We welcome all devoted business owners and entrepreneurs—You are the heart of our community. That’s why we have compiled some of the best business resources right here at your fingertips so you are sure to succeed.
Small Business Development
Success Starts With Research
Since its founding on July 30, 1953, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses. SBA provides assistance primarily through its four programmatic functions: Access to Capital (Business Financing), Entrepreneurial Development (Education, Information, Technical Assistance & Training, Government Contracting (Federal Procurement) and Advocacy (Voice for Small Business). Woodlands Bank recognizes the helpful resources and priceless information that the SBA provides to those looking to start their own business. That’s why we have provided the links to all the small business development sites (local, state, and federal), which will be extremely helpful in your new business journey
Tax Information
Understand Your Obligation
Understanding and conforming to guidelines the IRS has established for businesses can sometimes be confusing. We want you to succeed with your business—that’s why we have provided links to some of the most valuable pages from the IRS that we found are most beneficial to those looking to start their own business.
The Re$ubmitIT® electronic check recovery service significantly reduces the burden of collecting funds from NSF checks, while potentially doubling your recovery rate. You collect more returned checks and get 100% of the face value of all checks that are collected electronically!