Truth in Savings
Freedom Checking
No minimum balance requirements apply to this account.
A dormant account fee of $5.00 per month will be charged after 12 months of inactivity.
We pay items based on our available balance. The available balance reflects deposits and transactions that have been posted to your account and transactions that have not posted to your account, including the following: checks you have written, if applicable; deposit holds; and holds on debit card transactions that have been authorized but not yet posted (i.e. preauthorization holds). These pending transactions and holds reduce your available balance. Debits to your account are received in groups and/or individually throughout the course of a business day. We process ACH debits and credits, phone and online banking transfers, checks drawn on Woodlands Bank accounts, and deposits and withdrawals made in person at Woodlands Bank branches throughout the course of a business day in real time, in the order they are received. Debit Card and ATM transactions are processed as received. Preauthorized transfers are processed on their due date. Electronic transactions, including ACH credit and debits, that are received after the end of the business day are processed first the following business day. We process checks presented for payment at locations other than Woodlands Bank second, in serial number order. We can, in good faith, choose a different order of payment after giving you any legally required notice. The processing order of these items is important because if there is not enough money in the account to pay for the items in the order they are processed in accordance with the processing order, there may be an overdraft on your account which may result in overdraft or non-sufficient funds fees or an increase in the amount of these fees.