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For purposes of this disclosure and agreement the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Woodlands Bank. The terms “you” and “your” refer to the recipient of this disclosure and agreement.

The Electronic Fund Transfer Act and Regulation E require institutions to provide certain information to customers regarding electronic fund transfers (EFTs). This disclosure applies to any EFT service you receive from us related to an account established primarily for personal, family or household purposes. Examples of EFT services include direct deposits to your account, automatic regular payments made from your account to a third party and one-time electronic payments from your account using information from your check to pay for purchases or to pay bills. This disclosure also applies to the use of your debit card (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Debit Card”) at automated teller machines (ATMs) and any networks described below.


The following provisions govern the use of EFT services through accounts held by Woodlands Bank which are established primarily for personal, family or household purposes. If you use any EFT services provided, you agree to be bound by the applicable terms and conditions listed below. Please read this document carefully and retain it for future reference.


Business days are for purposes of these disclosures, our business days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Federal Holidays are not included.



The services available through use of your Debit Card are described below.

  • You may withdraw cash from your checking account(s) and savings account(s).
  • You may make deposits into your checking account(s) and savings account(s).
  • You may transfer funds between your checking and savings accounts.
  • You may make balance inquiries on your checking account(s) and savings account(s).
  • You may use your card at any merchant that accepts Mastercard® Debit Cards for the purchase of goods and services.



Your ability to perform the transactions or access the accounts set forth above depends on the location and type of ATM you are using and the network through which the transaction is being performed. A specific ATM or network may not perform or permit all of the above transactions. You may access your Debit Card through the following network(s): STAR, NYCE, Moneypass, Mastercard, Cirrus, Maestro, AFFN, Accel, Pulse, VISA/Plus


When you use an ATM not owned by us, you may be charged a fee by the ATM operator or any network used, and you may be charged a fee for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a fund transfer.


Listed below is the card you may use to purchase goods and services from merchants that have arranged to accept your card as a means of payment (these merchants are referred to as “Participating Merchants”). Some Participating Merchants may permit you to receive cash back as part of your purchase. Purchases made with your card, including any purchase where you receive cash, are referred to as “Point of Sale” transactions and will cause your “designated account” to be debited for the amount of the purchase. We have the right to return any check or other item drawn against your account to ensure there are funds available to pay for any Point of Sale transaction. We may, but do not have to, allow transactions which exceed your available account balance. If we do, you agree to pay an amount equal to the overdrawn balance plus any overdraft fees.

The following card and the corresponding designated account(s) may be used for Point of Sale transactions:

  • debit card: checking account.

Your Debit Card may also be used to obtain cash from your designated account(s) at participating financial institutions when so authorized under the terms of your Account Agreement.


An authorization hold is a temporary hold that is placed on your account for certain Debit Card transactions. The amount of the temporary hold may be more than the actual amount of the transaction, so your available account balance will temporarily be reduced by the amount of the temporary hold. If the authorization hold or the processing of subsequent transactions causes your account to have insufficient funds to pay the transaction, we may charge you non-sufficient funds fees if we return the item or overdraft fees if we pay the item on your behalf.


If you perform transactions with your card with the Mastercard® logo in a currency other than US dollars, Mastercard International Inc. will convert the charge into a US dollar amount. At Mastercard International they use a currency conversion procedure, which is disclosed to institutions that issue Mastercard®. Currently the currency conversion rate used by Mastercard International to determine the transaction amount in US dollars for such transactions is based on rates observed in the wholesale market or government-mandated rates, where applicable. The currency conversion rate used by Mastercard International is generally the rate of the applicable currency on the date that the transaction occurred. However, in limited situations, particularly where transactions are submitted to Mastercard International for processing are delayed, the currency conversion rate used may be the rate of the applicable currency on the date that the transaction is processed.


Mastercard® charges us a Currency Conversion Fee of .20% of the transaction amount for performing currency conversions and a Cross-Border Fee of .90% of the transaction on all cross-border transactions (even those with no currency conversion). Therefore, you will be charged 1.10% of the dollar amount on all cross-border transactions – i.e., transactions processed through the “Global Clearing Management System” or the “Mastercard Debit Switch” when the country of the merchant or machine is different than your country as cardholder. Be aware that when making online purchases you may not know that the merchant is located in a different country.


  • You may arrange for the preauthorized automatic deposit of funds to your checking account(s) and savings account(s).
  • You may arrange for the preauthorized automatic payments or other transfers from your checking account(s) and savings account(s).


Woodlands Bank offers its customers use of our Online Banking service.

Online Banking enables you to access and manage your eligible accounts using a personal computer. An Online Banking user can also enroll in Mobile Banking service to enable smartphone and other mobile device access. Online Banking can be used to obtain real time balances and transaction history for eligible enrolled accounts, to transfer funds between eligible accounts and to make loan payments. You also have the option to enroll in Bill Pay service to make online payments to any merchant, financial institution or individual with a U.S. address. Business users also have the option to enroll in cash management services to enable ACH file origination and initiate wire transfer requests.


If your account is a checking account, you may authorize a merchant or other payee to make a one-time electronic payment from this account using information from your check to pay for purchases or to pay bills.




You may withdraw up to $500.00 through use of ATMs in any one day. There is a daily limit for all ATM withdrawal transactions. For security reasons, specific dollar limits are disclosed at the time the Debit Card is issued. Woodlands Bank reserves the right to change dollar amount limits at any time upon prior notification.


You may buy up to $2,500.00 worth of goods or services in any one day through use of our Point of Sale service.


In addition to the ATM limit or Point of Sale limits disclosed above, a total daily limit is imposed on these transactions. The maximum amount of cash withdrawals and Point of Sale transactions is limited to $3,000.00 in any one day.

Other Limitations.

  • The terms of your account(s) may limit the number of withdrawals you may make each month. Restrictions disclosed at the time you opened your account(s), or sent to you subsequently will also apply to your electronic withdrawals and electronic payments unless specified otherwise.
  • We reserve the right to impose limitations for security purposes at any time.


The use of any electronic fund transfer services described in this document creates certain rights and responsibilities regarding these services as described below.



Depending on the location of an ATM, you may not be given the option to receive a receipt if your transaction is $15.00 or less. Upon completing a transaction of more than $15.00, you will receive a printed receipt documenting the transaction (unless you choose not to get a paper receipt). These receipts (or the transaction number given in place of the paper receipt) should be retained to verify that a transaction was performed. A receipt will be provided for any transaction of more than $15.00 made with your Debit Card at a Participating Merchant. If the transaction is $15.00 or less, the Participating Merchant is not required to provide a receipt.


If your account is subject to receiving a monthly statement, all EFT transactions will be reported on it. If your account is subject to receiving a statement less frequently than monthly, then you will continue to receive your statement on that cycle, unless there are EFT transactions, in which case you will receive a monthly statement. In any case you will receive your statement at least quarterly.


If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every 60 days from the same person or company:

  • you can call us at (570)327-5263 to find out whether or not the deposit has been made.


In order to assist us in maintaining the security of your account and the terminals, the Debit Card remains our property and may be revoked or canceled at any time without giving you prior notice. You agree not to use your Debit Card for a transaction that would cause your account balance to go below zero, or to access an account that is no longer available or lacks sufficient funds to complete the transaction, including any available line of credit. We will not be required to complete any such transaction, but if we do, we may, at our sole discretion, charge or credit the transaction to your account; you agree to pay us the amount of the improper withdrawal or transfer upon request.

Certain transactions involving your Debit Card require use of your PIN. Your PIN is used to identify you as an authorized user. Because the PIN is used for identification purposes, you agree to notify Woodlands Bank immediately if your Debit Card is lost or if the secrecy of your PIN is compromised. You also agree not to reveal your PIN to any person not authorized by you to use your Debit Card or to write your PIN on your Debit Card or on any other item kept with your Debit Card. We have the right to refuse a transaction on your account when your Debit Card or PIN has been reported lost or stolen or when we reasonably believe there is unusual activity on your account.

The security of your account depends upon your maintaining possession of your Debit Card and the secrecy of your PIN. You may change your PIN if you feel that the secrecy of your PIN has been compromised. You may change your PIN at an ATM.



If you have instructed us to make regular preauthorized transfers out of your account, you may stop any of the payments. To stop a payment,

  • call us at: (570)327-5263 or
  • write to:
    Woodlands Bank
    2450 East Third Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701

We must receive your call or written request at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled payment. If you call, please have the following information ready: your account number, the date the transfer is to take place, to whom the transfer is being made and the amount of the scheduled transfer. If you call, we will require you to put your request in writing and deliver it to us within fourteen (14) days after you call.


If you have arranged for automatic periodic payments to be deducted from your checking or savings account and these payments vary in amount, you will be notified by the person or company ten (10) days before each payment, when it will be made and how much it will be. You may choose instead to get this notice only when the payment would differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount would fall outside certain limits that you set.


If you order us to stop one of the payments and have provided us with the information we need at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled transfer, and we do not stop the transfer, we will be liable for your losses or damages.


If you believe your Debit Card or PIN or internet banking access code has been lost or stolen,

  • call us at: (800)472-3272 (24 hours a day – debit card only) or (570)327-5263 (8 AM – 6 PM Monday through Friday; 8 AM – 12 PM Saturday, Eastern Time) or
  • write to:
    Woodlands Bank
    2450 East Third Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701

You should also call the number or write to the address listed above if you believe a transfer has been made using the information from your check without your permission.


Tell us AT ONCE if you believe your Debit Card or PIN or internet banking access code has been lost or stolen or if you believe that an electronic fund transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum overdraft line of credit, if applicable). If you tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your Debit Card or PIN or internet banking access code you can lose no more than fifty dollars ($50) if someone used your Debit Card or PIN or internet banking access code without your permission. If you do NOT tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your Debit Card or PIN or internet banking access code and we can prove we could have stopped someone from using your Debit Card or PIN or internet banking access code without your permission if you had given us notice, you can lose as much as five hundred dollars ($500).

Also, if your statement shows transfers you did not make, including those made by card, code, or other means, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within sixty (60) days after the statement was transmitted to you, you may not receive back any money you lost after the sixty (60) days, and therefore, you may not get back any money in your account (including your maximum overdraft line of credit, if applicable), if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money had you given us notice in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or hospital stay) keeps you from giving the notice, we will extend the time periods.


The limitations on your liability for unauthorized transactions described above generally apply to all electronic fund transfers. However, different limitations apply to certain transactions involving your card with the Mastercard® branded card.

If you promptly notify us about an unauthorized transaction involving your card and the unauthorized transaction took place on your Mastercard® branded card, including any PIN-based ATM or POS transactions, zero liability will be imposed on you for the unauthorized transaction. In order to qualify for the zero liability protection, you must have exercised reasonable care in safeguarding your card from the risk of loss or theft and, upon becoming aware of such loss or theft, promptly reported the loss or theft to us.


You agree not to use your debit card for any illegal transactions, including internet gambling and similar activities.


In case of errors or questions about your electronic fund transfers,

  • call us at: (570)327-5263 or
  • write to:
    Woodlands Bank
    2450 East Third Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701

or use the current information on your most recent account statement.

Notification should be made as soon as possible if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction listed on the statement or receipt. You must contact Woodlands Bank no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the problem or error appears. You must be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name and account number.
  • A description of the error or transaction you are unsure about along with an explanation as to why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
  • The dollar amount of the suspected error.

If you provide oral notice, you will be required to send in your complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days. We will determine whether an error occurred within ten (10) business days (twenty (20) business days for new accounts) after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) days (ninety (90) days for new accounts and foreign initiated or Point of Sale transfers) to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within ten (10) business days (twenty (20) business days for new accounts) for the amount which you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not credit your account. The extended time periods for new accounts apply to all electronic fund transfers that occur within the first thirty (30) days after the first deposit to the account is made, including those for foreign initiated or Point of Sale transactions.

We will tell you the results within three (3) business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no error, we will send you a written explanation.

You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.


If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages as provided by law. However, there are some exceptions. We will NOT be liable, for instance:

  • If through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer.
  • If the transfer would result in your exceeding the credit limit on your line of credit, if you have one.
  • If the electronic terminal was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown before you started the transfer.
  • If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood, computer or machine breakdown, or failure or interruption of communications facilities) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions we have taken.
  • If we have terminated our Agreement with you.
  • When your Debit Card has been reported lost or stolen or we have reason to believe that something is wrong with a transaction.
  • If we receive inaccurate or incomplete information needed to complete a transaction.
  • In the case of preauthorized transfers, we will not be liable where there is a breakdown of the system which would normally handle the transfer.
  • If the funds in the account are subject to legal action preventing a transfer to or from your account.
  • If the electronic terminal does not have enough cash to complete the transaction.

There may be other exceptions provided by applicable law.


The following fees and charges may be imposed on your checking account:

Debit/ATM Card Replacement $6.00
Deposit Discrepancy Adjustment $5.00
Chargeback Filing $15.00
Pin Mailer $3.00
Return Item From ATM Deposit $10.00
Expedited Debit/ATM Card $65.00
Rushed Debit/ATM Card $85.00
Debit/ATM Card Re-Address, Destroy or Change in delivery method $10.00
Expedited PIN Mailer $45.00
Rushed PIN Mailer $85.00


You agree that merchant authorization messages transmitted in connection with Point of Sale transactions are permissible disclosures of account information, and you further agree to release Woodlands Bank and hold it harmless from any liability arising out of the transmission of these messages.

We will disclose information to third parties about your account or electronic fund transfers made to your account:

1. Where necessary to complete a transfer or to investigate and resolve errors involving the transfer(s); or
2. In order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party such as a credit bureau or merchant; or
3. In order to comply with government agency or court orders; or
4. If you give us your permission in a record or writing.


We may change this agreement from time to time. You will be notified at least 30 days before a change will take effect if it will cause you an increase in costs or liability or it will limit your ability to make electronic fund transfers. No notice will be given if the change is necessary for security reasons. We also have the right to terminate this agreement at any time.


Please keep in mind the following basic safety tips whenever you use an ATM:

  • Have your Debit Card ready to use when you reach the ATM. Have all of your forms ready before you get to the machine. Keep some extra forms (envelopes) at home for this purpose.
  • If you are new to ATM usage, use machines close to or inside a financial institution until you become comfortable and can conduct your usage quickly.
  • If using an ATM in an isolated area, take someone else with you if possible. Have them watch from the car as you conduct your transaction.
  • Do not use ATMs at night unless the area and machine are well-lighted. If the lights are out, go to a different location.
  • If someone else is using the machine you want to use, stand back or stay in your car until the machine is free. Watch out for suspicious people lurking around ATMs, especially during the times that few people are around.
  • When using the machine, stand so you block anyone else’s view from behind.
  • If anything suspicious occurs when you are using a machine, cancel what you are doing and leave immediately. If going to your car, lock your doors.
  • Do not stand at the ATM counting cash. Check that you received the right amount later in a secure place, and reconcile it to your receipt then.
  • Keep your receipts and verify transactions on your account statement. Report errors immediately. Do not leave receipts at an ATM location.


Your account is also governed by the terms and conditions of other applicable agreements between you and Woodlands Bank.

Delayed Opening- All Offices 

Published 2/5/2025

Due to the impending inclement weather, all offices of Woodlands Bank will open at 10:00 AM on Thursday, February 6, 2025. This decision was made with the safety of our employees and customers in mind.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.

Important Notice

Published 01/19/2025

All offices of Woodlands Bank will be closed January 20th, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will be back to normal hours on January 21st, 2025.

Important E-Statement Information

We would like to inform you that our e-statement customers will not receive a special paper statement on October 4, 2024. This statement will continue as an e-statement. With access to e-statements being unavailable during our upgrade weekend along with the delay of this e-statement being made available to you through Online Banking, we wanted to provide you with options available to you to receive your statement.
If you would like to receive a copy of your paper statement recapping your account activity from your last normal statement issued through Friday, October 4, 2024, please do one of the following:
On or after October 7, 2024:
  • Call us at 570.327.5263 to request a paper statement be mailed to your address.

  • Visit your local branch to request a paper statement.

System Upgrade Important Information

Published 10/4/2024

Our System Upgrade will begin today, Friday, October 4, 2024 and continue throughout the weekend. Please see below for important times.
Online and Mobile Banking will be unavailable starting at 6:00 PM today, and will be unavailable until the afternoon on Monday, October 7, 2024. Please make note of your balances and plan for your cash needs during the System Upgrade. Your debit card will continue to work normally throughout the upgrade weekend.
Mobile Check Deposit will be unavailable starting at 3:00 PM today. Checks can still be deposited by visiting your local branch until 5:00 PM today.
Bill Pay will be unavailable starting at 4:00 PM today. All bills schedule for payment prior to this will process according to when they are set to be paid.
All offices will be closing at 5:00 PM today and will be closed on Saturday, October 5, 2024.
Please visit for all updates.
We look forward to growing your experience with us!

Important Notice

Change in Branch Hours

We want to inform you that we are making some changes to our branch office hours. These changes will go into effect on January 1, 2024. Our primary reason for changing our hours is to allow our employees to have a better work-life balance. In-turn, this allows us to better retain our excellent employees which results in even higher standards of customer service that our customers know and love.

View New Hours

We understand that our new hours may affect some of our customers’ normal routines and for that we truly apologize. We recognize change like this can be hard.

  • $1000.00 daily minimum balance to earn interest & avoid a $5.00 monthly service charge.

Qualifying Requirements include:

  • At least 1 bill pay or ACH payment transaction
  • At least 12 debit card purchases

Note: Enrollment in e-Statements is required in order to open a High Interest or Cash Rewards checking account.

IRA Management

Changing jobs or retiring can be an exciting step in your life, but figuring out what to do with your retirement plan and other retirement assets can be confusing. Woodlands Bank Trust & Asset Management Services is here to assist you in making the right choice and will help you to achieve your long-term retirement goals.

Institutional Investment Management

Companies or organizations that hold funds or other assets can rely on Woodlands Bank Trust & Asset Management Services to assist them in managing their resources for long-term benefits. We will provide investment management during a period of time or into perpetuity.

Charitable Investment Management

Non-profit organizations that hold funds or other assets from charitable donations can utilize Woodlands Bank Trust & Asset Management Services to invest those funds for long-term benefits. We will provide investment management during a period of time or into perpetuity.

Executor & Estate Settlement Services

Choosing a qualified executor is essential to the timely and efficient administration of an estate. Our estate settlement services include acting as:

  • Executor
  • Agent for Executor

Estate & Financial Planning Services

The most common mistake in financial planning is not having a plan—having a strong financial and estate plan is vital to your financial health. We will work with you and your estate attorney to craft a plan for your unique needs.

Asset Management & Custodial Services

We will work with an individual to design a portfolio to fit their specific needs and objectives. Our duties will be determined by the type of account chosen.

  • Investment Management Accounts
  • Institutional Investment Accounts
  • Custody Account

Personal Trust Services

A trust permits an individual to carry out personal and financial objectives while providing protection for themselves and their family. The trust agreement sets forth the wishes of the individual, and it is the trustee’s responsibility to carry out those wishes. As a trustee, we will provide impartial advice and counseling for beneficiaries, investment management of the trust assets, continuity of management and a full accounting of all transactions. We offer:

  • Living Trusts
  • Testamentary Trusts (Trusts Under Will)
  • Life Insurance Trusts
  • Special Needs/Situations (Guardianships, Charitable)
  • Agent for Trustee